
First, Annemarie, Kristi, and Ellen were stopped by 2 solders. Next, I found out that Ellen’s family is Jewish, meanwhile, their country is under control by the Nazi. Lastly, Annemarie’s sister, Lise, died 2 weeks before her wedding about 3 years ago.

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I am Poem

I have long hair but I want to shave them all. I am so short but I want to be tall as a giraffe. I am so funny but I want to be bored. I am such a loner person but I want to be a person that has friends around. I am so fat […]

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What Did I Do For Summer?

What did I for summer? What a great question to answer! For summer, I went to America and it was the amazing trip for this summer 2k15. While I was there, I got to visit places like Disnleyland, Ranging Water, Lego Land, Santa Monica, and so much more. I went to America for only 3 […]

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